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We Make Birthdays and Anniversaries Special for You!

We pride ourselves on making Birthdays and Anniversaries very SPECIAL. So all you have to do is call our Box Office at (520) 861-4800 and let them know when the hallowed Anniversary of the Day of Birth or Nuptial Vows is and we’ll get the Special Birthday person or Wedding couple in for our closest available show to celebrate with a free Gift. And It IS absolutely FREE! (Up to a $15 value*). As Marie Antoinette re-torted, “Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Come Celebrate with us & invite your friends and family too… Hope to see you soon, but if not, have a happy & joyous Birthday or Anniversary either way!

*Includes 1 Birthday or Anniversary Gift presented by the cast members during the performance. Some Restrictions apply, for example if it’s the third time you’ve come in for FREE Birthday recognition this month, we may card you! Consistently voted the Best Birthday and Anniversary in Tucson by all our honorees  and as always, we proudly offer a full “No questions asked” Money-Back  guarantee on all FREE items.

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Mystery & Magic Dinner Theater Playhouse © All Rights Reserved

Call for Information and Tickets

(520) 861-4800

or (800) 266-4800